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Hi friends,today I am going to explain you that we should stand strong along with our passion in front of public .Friends before I tell you this⬇️

          Friends first fall I should tell you that  "What is passoin"so,the passion is a thing which you love to do . Whether the public has impress by you or not. It doesn't matter for public.

The passions you may love like,singing,playing mobile games,reading books,travelling and do you know ? This passion will help to you to make your career. For better umderstanding I have a  good example.



         If love to do singing thats is your passion..I already told  you that the passions are also useful . It  can help you to make your career.actually you love to do singing so, in future you may can become a famous singer . IF you practise your passion.

                                                     so, after sometime or after few years your passion can become your dream that is singer.But, between you and your dream way there is a some needles like.that is non other some few people who are wasteless in thier lifes but they never sit keep quit.They try to involve them self in your  passion but,even they are doesn't like your passion or or not interested in your passion. they involve them sekf in your passion to just destroy or kill your passion. They try to kill your passion by telling ;why are you doing this' ';don't do this;or ;''this is  the waste of time;'  etc.but,friends if  you successful to change your dream into real so, that people only who are before your success discouraging to you so,that people only will ask you  ;how do you do this ;but you should now understand that the people actually say ;why; before your success and after your success people will ask;how;.

So,answer of topic headline you had understand better we should stand strong  along with our passion .

                                    Do you know ? Friends I wrote this blog for those people to whom the few people discourage them and kill their dreams and passions. Friends don't  kill your dreams for few people.

                                      Friends you should just think that their Is no fault in your passion and you just think that they are giving thier own opinions and you should know that opinions are not real facts So,friends stop worrying  about when people thinks about you and about your passion . This thought will help to you to stand strong along with your passion .

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