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 HI FRIENDS,                                      TODAY I WILL SHARE WITH YOU 'THE SECRET OF BEHIND THE SUCCESSFUL PERSON'S OF THE WORLD, LIKE BILLGATES ETC. Friends we all know that billgates and warren buffet this both are the top richest person's of the world and most intelligent person's of the world so, that's why one documentaryu has maded on this both guy's.                                         The documentary is about 'what uis the secret of behind the sucess of BIllgates Warren buffet. SO,.some people asked to billgtes and warren buffet to write their secret of thier behind the the success iand they wrote thier secret in one word but, in different room's at a time and they also didn't met with each other.                   friend, now...
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 HI FRIENDS, today we are going to discuss about ;the super power full thing in the universe; that is our 'BRAIN;.                  So ,FRIENDS,the super power full thing in the universe is our ;Brain;. .Yes friends,the super power full thing in the universe is our brain[human's brain]                                          You can easily understand what is the power of our brain . By this two points and I am surely can say that you will be 'shock' by reading this this two points. Points by you will be ''shock''. Point  no.1= do you know friends?our brain has a ability to glow bulb[its a god miracle.                                 POINT NO.2= do you know ? now a days summit is super computer which is develop[ed by IBM for...


Hi friends,today I am going to explain you that we should stand strong along with our passion in front of public .Friends before I tell you this⬇️           Friends first fall I should tell you that  "What is passoin"so,the passion is a thing which you love to do . Whether the public has impress by you or not. It doesn't matter for public. The passions you may love like,singing,playing mobile games,reading books,travelling and do you know ? This passion will help to you to make your career. For better umderstanding I have a  good example.                                                                                EXAMPLE:          I f love to do singing thats is your passion..I...


9 HI FRIENDS,                                Friends You all know that lakhs of people do hardwork for success either in education field or in other field.If they acheived success so, this good for them but, If they fail to achieve success so, they goes to deepretion or feel as a failure and after facing this problem so, they don't want to try again next time to achieve success and they feel as a failure only.But,there are persons in lakhs who also do hardwork to  achieve thier success.but, IF they fail to achieve success so, they doesn't goes in deepretion or didn't feel as a failure.They just think that they are just trying to achieve success and they will try next time again and there will be a time for him with this positive thought they will acheive success.     ...

what happens if the moon blasts by a big "asteriod\rock."

hi friends,  today we are going to explore a hypothetical question  that is 'what happens if  the moon blasts by big asteriod \rock '. but friends first you have to understand that ' how the moon as been formed . so, many theories tell us thousands of  years ago a big Asteriod come forward to earth's gravitational force and bumped with earth . when the  asteriod bumped with earth by this bang some particals  of asteriod again bounced and goesout of earth's gravitational force,then those particals of asteroid  joins  together and becomes a sphere  like structure and we named  to this  moon . Now we all  know   the moons story so, lets come to our hypothetical 'question'. friends if the moon blast by a big asteteriod so absoulutely the moon will be going to destroy  but, the destroying of  moon will directly  effect to our earth also.         ...

The 4rules for success in our life goals

                        Success   The 4rules for success in our life goals. What is your aim or goal ? How you are going to achieve your goal?  How much time your going to spend on your goal ? Give your best.  What is your aim or goal means in future what is your dream or what you want to become in your future like doctor,lawyer,engineer etc. How are you going to achieve your goal means what strategy you are going to use to reach your goal. How much time do you have much time have to reach your goal or become a doctor or engineer.  Give your much you are practising to your goal .you have to give your best to reach your goal.       What 4 rules are explaining to us?  This four rules are are explaining to us we can achieve our success so we want to follow this 4rules in our life to achieve success in our life  ...