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Showing posts from January, 2020

The 4rules for success in our life goals

                        Success   The 4rules for success in our life goals. What is your aim or goal ? How you are going to achieve your goal?  How much time your going to spend on your goal ? Give your best.  What is your aim or goal means in future what is your dream or what you want to become in your future like doctor,lawyer,engineer etc. How are you going to achieve your goal means what strategy you are going to use to reach your goal. How much time do you have much time have to reach your goal or become a doctor or engineer.  Give your much you are practising to your goal .you have to give your best to reach your goal.       What 4 rules are explaining to us?  This four rules are are explaining to us we can achieve our success so we want to follow this 4rules in our life to achieve success in our life  ...